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66 Watchers149 Deviations

Co na to Robin

5 min read
Zestaw pytań zapożyczony z forum Tawerna RPG.

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Robin z dworu lata - warszawski odmieniec, co w jej przypadku objawia się kolorystycznie niezdecydowanymi włosami i dużą ilością tatuaży. Drobna, urocza i optymistycznie nastawiona do życia malarka, na pierwszy rzut oka całkowicie niegroźna. W praktyce ma nadzwyczaj silną wolę chronienia niewinnych/swoich bliskich i nie zawaha się użyć w tym celu ostrego końca szpady (nie żeby była wielką fanką przemocy, ale jednak nie bez przyczyny należy do dworu lata - dworu wojowników). Przy okazji oficjalna dyplomatka dworu.

1. Jakie widzisz najlepsze zastosowanie dla kamienia?

Hm... Zależy jakiego kamienia. Rzeźbę można zrobić, albo skalniaczek w ogródku.

2. Gdybyś mógł zostać samotnym Jeźdźcem Apokalipsy, twoim wierzchowcem/sposobem przemieszczania byłby...

Jeszcze tydzień temu powiedziałabym, że Robal, wierny stary żuk odkupiony za grosze od Adamanta. Po tym jednak, jak wampir mi wykrwawił w nim człowieka, jakoś straciłam serce dla tego wozu. Poza tym, tak prawdę mówiąc, to ja najczęściej na piechotę... No ale jeździec bez wierzchowca to nie jeździec. Pewnie też jakieś auto, chociaż może mniej paliwożerne niż Robal, jakoś z końmi się nie dogaduję.

3. Jeśli już angażujesz się w walkę, to co w niej sprawia Ci największą satysfakcję?

Chyba zwycięstwo. Z jednej strony w kontekście przekraczania własnych granic, z drugiej, cóż, zwykle walczymy przeciwko istotom mającym na celu sianie szeroko pojętej destrukcji. No i lubię pojedynki, chociaż w miarę możliwości jednak na sali treningowej :D

4. Zostajesz przywódcą państwa lub ludu. Jakie są twoje pierwsze dekrety?

Dobry Boże, kto byłby na tyle stuknięty, żeby mnie zrobić przywódcą czegokolwiek? Ja się nie nadaję, na litość boską...

5. Podaj rym do słowa "zielony", który pierwszy przychodzi ci na myśl.


6. Umierasz... i budzisz się w piekle! Dlaczego?

...jakby nie patrzeć, mam krew na rękach. Wierzę, że walka, którą toczymy, jest słuszna, ale czy coś takiego kiedykolwiek można wiedzieć na sto procent?

7. Zapisz najlepsze wspomnienie z dzieciństwa.

Prawdę mówiąc, nie za wiele pamiętam, pobyt w Arkadii zniszczył większość moich wspomnień. Pamiętam jak kiedyś w podstawówce wygrałam jakiś duży konkurs plastyczny i rodzice zabrali mnie w nagrodę na wycieczkę. Kompletnie nic nie pamiętam z samej wycieczki, nawet nie jestem pewna dokąd pojechaliśmy... Ale pamiętam radość.

8. Spotykasz dżinna, który daje ci jedno życzenie. Czego żądasz?

Pokoju na świecie?

9. W ciemnym zaułku dostrzegasz postać, która mówi: "Oddawaj pieniądze albo cię załatwię". Jaka jest twoja odpowiedź?

Jest taki kontrakt, który czyni na parę chwil niematerialnym. Używam i uciekam, w walce bez broni sobie nie bardzo radzę, a kasy trochę szkoda...

10. Spróbuj określić motyw muzyczny, jaki do Ciebie pasuje.

(nie mam pojęcia, serio. Irian twierdzi, że "true colors", ale jakoś nie jestem przekonana)

11. Dowiadujesz się, że do końca świata została godzina. Jak ją spędzasz?

Been there, done that. Robię wszystko, żeby zapobiec nadchodzącej apokalipsie.

12. Obcy człowiek podchodzi do ciebie mówiąc: "Oto twoja zapłata. Nie zawiedź nas" i wręcza ci jakąś paczkę. Co robisz?

Nie przyjmuję paczki. Śmierdzi Wyrdem jak stąd do niewidać, jak dotknę tałatajstwo, to na pewno wyjdzie z tego jakiś straszliwy bajzel, z którym się będzie trzeba bujać przez najbliższe pół roku.

13. Opisz swą ulubioną broń - w najszerszym znaczeniu tego słowa.

Cierń, moja wierna szpada. Dostałam ją od Genevieve, kiedy już uznała że zostałam prawdziwym chłopcem - znaczy prawdziwym członkiem dworu lata. Zimne żelazo, specjalnie do walki z Fae, z rękojeścią zdobioną w (nomen omen) ciernie. Z rzeczy, które posiadam, ta jest dla mnie chyba najcenniejsza.

14. W twoich żyłach rozprzestrzenia się właśnie zaaplikowana substancja... Co to jest?

...moja Pani, w Arkadii, wstrzykiwała mi farbę. Serio.

15. Z resztkami sił wisisz nad przepaścią pełną dwugłowych, jadowitych, plujących kwasem węży. W kim lub czym pokładasz nadzieję?

W moim imieniu. W moich przyjaciołach: Kelainie, Jamesie, Elenie.

16. Co oznacza dla ciebie określenie "zdrowy tryb życia"?

Wysypiać się. Boże, ile ja bym dała, żeby się w końcu zacząć wysypiać... (koszmary. Dużo i często.)

17. Wchodzisz do domu publicznego... W jakim celu?

Z pewnością prowadzi go szajka wampirów albo odmieńców-lojalistów.

18. Do czego służy ci - lub służyłaby, gdybyś taką miał - encyklopedia?

W erze internetu i wikipedii? Do prostowania wymiętych kartek...

19. Nadciąga totalny kataklizm. Dysponujesz schronieniem/drogą ucieczki, lecz możesz ze sobą zabrać tylko kilka osób. Kto to będzie?

Kelainę z Gabrielem, Jamesa, Elenę, Różę i Genevieve. I już widzę, jak wszyscy się pchają do tego schronienia, z wyjątkiem może Róży wszyscy by siedzieli na pierwszej linii frontu...

20. Jesteś więźniem złej, zdeprawowanej czarodziejki, która każe zabawiać się wybraną przez ciebie formą sztuki. Co wybierasz?

(nie, serio, nawet tak nie żartujmy, ok?)

21. Cichy wieczór zapada nad twoją chatką, twoja kobieta/mężczyzna macha ci miło, skrzypi bujany fotel. Co myślisz o tej wizji?

...cholera. Tak. Chcę. Nie wiem, czy jeszcze potrafię, ale chcę.

22. Jesteś świadkiem, jak dwóch mężczyzn w zaułku bije kobietę. Jak reagujesz?

Jest taki fajny kontrakt do zatrzymywania przedmiotów w czasie. Zatrzymana w czasie kurtka na plecach bandziora świetnie unieruchamia delikwenta...
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Taggity tag

3 min read
Tagged by :iconysengrinn:

:bulletpurple: Be one of the first 20 people commenting on this journal entry, and I will add you to the Featured List!

:bulletpurple: For each of the 20 first people answering this journal I will put his/her avatar and the three deviations I like most from his/her gallery on the list.

:bulletpurple: If you answer, you'll have to do the same in your journal, putting me on the first place, completing the list with 19 other people. The idea of this is not to get a free feature, it is to spread art around for everyone.

As Ysen said, counting to three is really hard. Five seems to be a better choice (but also hard)

:iconysengrinn:… - biodra!… - za uświadomienie mi istnienia imienia "Michelle"… - SZOP!… - Świetne zestawienie, nadzwyczaj odkrywcze :D… - yeah. I'd still do that.

:iconkoranona:… - kolorki!… - może i sok malinowy, ale wrażenie robi… - agreed… - ultimate cuteness… - orange you.

:iconstar-miya:… - wyjątkowo udana Leliana i fajny nastrój ^^… - pure win… - bo jestem małym narcyzem… - bo tak… - for teh lulz… - i bonus, bo naprawdę nie mogłam się zdecydować na tylko 5

:iconxeniph:… - bo Fallacia jest super, a to tak w ogóle jest chyba twoja najlepsza praca… - narcyz, jak już mówiłam… - bo dramatyzm jest dobry… - teh lulz… - ten wątek był wyjątkowo uroczy :D

(jasna cholera, tylko pięć, tak? Now, that's gonna be HARD)… - let's start from the obvious. Two beautiful women are always better than one beautiful woman. Aaaaand redheads!… - same reasons as above. I dynami... HOLY SHIT, ona jest w mundurze! *___*… - kolory. Dynamika.… - mrrrr. Nastrój, dużo nastroju... aż się czuje to słońce na skórze...… - Znowu, za uchwycenie nastroju. (i za rudą babę, za rudą babę zawsze dochodzą bonusowe punkty).… - i jeszcze raz, bo 5 to taaaak małoooo. Jakby mało było ślicznego obrazka, dostaje dodatkowe punkty za historię. Mrrrr, emocje!

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1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!

I can't count to five. Some of my not-so-known characters.

Marie, the alchemist from Orthozam
Ann, disabled elf from England
Nadia, clerk's wife, princess Carmina's friend
Miranda, a traveller-beetween-worlds from Cephiro
Eva - a cyborg-girl
Taro - a crazy bowman from Cephiro
Carmina - a princess with too much troubles on her head

Note: Miranda and Taro's answers come from just before Battle of Elements, Marie's are from some time after it.

How old are you?

Marie: ...Boy, are you sure, you wanna ask? (early thirties, I believe)
Ann: 28
Nadia: You shouldn't ask a lady of that.
Miranda: Two years older than Arisa, Elena and Sylia.
Eva: I became a cyborg when I was sixteen.
Taro: Who cares?
Carmina: Nineteen.

What's your height?

Marie: Wait, I have to check my ID...
Ann: Does it really matter, I'm sitting all the time?
Nadia: 165cm or something around it
Miranda: Almost six feets.
Eva: 159cm.
Taro: Half a head taller than Elena, a bit shorter than Miranda.
Carmina: 8,5 arnuin (170 cm)

What are you?

Marie: Last time I've checked I was a human. Still.
Ann: Technically I'm an elf, however I don't know many others of my kind.
Nadia: What do you mean by "what"?
Miranda: A human.
Eva: A cyborg.
Taro: A bowman.
Carmina: A human? I don't really understand the purpose of this question...

Do you have any bad habits?
Marie: Tons of them. Ven could tell you something about that.
Ann: I'm a work-a-holic?
Nadia: Sometimes I'm a bit too sarcastic...
Miranda: Booze. Lots of it.
Eva: I think too much.
Taro: I always forget dates.
Carmina: Some of my advisors would say that I'm too stubborn. I'd rather say that my habit of hiding my feelings is much more troublesome.

Are you a virgin?

Marie: No. Definitelly not. Hell, I had more men than I can count!
Ann: No. But you shouldn't ask that question, it's pretty rude.
Nadia: Of course. Propably that's the reason, why I don't have any children after 15 years of marriage. *snort*
Miranda: ...please, don't ask. Seriously.
Eva: ...not really sure. I believe I am.
Taro: With a girlfriend like Elena? You're kiddin', right?
Carmina: *blush* Yes, I am...

Who's your mate/spouse? If not, got anyone in mind?

Marie: ...That's a tricky question. If we're talking only about bed-matters, than yes, I have one. If we're talking about a mate-for-life... I... I've never found a man, who would stay with me for long... I still have a hope though...
Ann: I know it's a bit naive... But I still love Arthur and I believe he will come back to me one day.
Nadia: My husband, Fiore.
Miranda: I... had one. He died some time ago. I killed him. I had to. I don't want to talk about it.
Eva: I'm not allowed to. But... No, I shouldn't, really.
Taro: The best of girls, great Elena the Sorceress.
Carmina: I'm engaged to prince Argari.

Do you have any kids?

Marie: I'm taking care of little Ven, after Elena and Taro's death.
Ann: No, fortunately. It would be pretty hard to take care of a child in my state.
Nadia: I can't have children. We really tried, but...
Miranda: No and I don't think I will ever have any.
Eva: No.
Taro: Yes! *big smile* I have the best of sons, my little Ven.
Carmina: Well, I'm not married yet... But I hope I'll have a child in near future. (note: she will have twins)

What's your favorite food?

Marie: Can't decide. There's too many delicious things on the world to pick up one.
Ann: Tea.
Nadia: Spicy things.
Miranda: Oh my, where should I start...
Eva: I don't have any.
Taro: My girlfriend.
Carmina: Cochineals.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Marie: None. I'm allergic to milk.
Ann: Lemon
Nadia: Ice what?
Miranda: Strawberries.
Eva: I don't have any... I always choose vanilla though.
Taro: Every single one.
Carmina: I don't know it, is it some kind of food?

Have you killed anyone?

Marie: Nope.
Ann: Do demons count?
Nadia: No. But sometimes it was tempting.
Miranda: Yes. Many people. The love of my life. I don't want to talk about it, give me some beer. Why do we have to talk about such depressing things, anyway?
Eva: That's my job.
Taro: No humans, some wild animals.
Carmina: Personally no. But you know, there IS death penalty for some crimes and I'm in charge of giving out sentence.

Do you hate anyone?

Marie: Not really...
Ann: It would be easy to say this guy who was driving the car, when that accident happened. When I lost the use of my legs. But you know, I can't say I really hate him. It WAS an accident after all.
Nadia: No
Miranda: Sometimes I just hate myself...
Eva: ...I'm... not allowed to... (those bastards, who made me into this miserable state!)
Taro: Nope.
Carmina: "Hate" is a too big word.

Have any secrets?

Marie: Lots of them...
Ann: I can use telekinesis and I'm an elf in a world posessed by human. My job description includes killing demons. Isn't it enough?
Nadia: What kind of secret do you expect?
Miranda: Not really...
Eva: I... I'm starting to remember the times before I became a cyborg. And I can think.
Taro: Um...
Carmina: If I have any, they are connected with decision I have to make as a princess. Which means, you're not supposed to know the details.

Do you love anyone?

Marie: Little Ven?
Ann: Arthur. And yes, I know its hopeless, thank you.
Nadia: My husband, Fiore. Yes, really, it is possible to love each other for so many years, trust me.
Miranda: What the hell is with you? Are you TRYING to run me into depression? Just stop scratching the wounds!
Eva: I'm not allowed to. But you know... I'm...
Taro: My wonderful girlfriend Elena and my fantastic son Ven.
Carmina: *blush* Well... Prince Argari is really nice... *blush*

What is your job?

Marie: I'm an alchemist.
Ann: This is pretty complicated, you know... In one word, I'm a vice-president of a killing demons unit.
Nadia: I do some office work for my friend.
Miranda: I'm a personal guardian of princess Shaina, the Phillar. Sometimes I also do some tasks for Elena using my ability to travel beetween worlds.
Eva: Whatever my current master wants me to do. I'm a battle model, so most of my duties involve killing people.
Taro: I'm a hunter.
Carmina: I wasn't crowned yet, so technically I'm still only a princess. However, after my parents were murdered I have to make decisions normally queen would make.

Boy or girl?

Marie: 100% woman.
Ann: Female
Nadia: A woman. You know, it's a pretty obvious question, you could just look at me.
Miranda: Woman
Eva: Girl
Taro: Boy
Carmina: Girl

What do you do to relax?

Marie: Read a book, have some good sex, taking Ven somewhere. The last one works best.
Ann: Paint
Nadia: Shopping!
Miranda: Hang out with Arisa, Elena and Sylia.
Eva: Some exercises or watching the stars.
Taro: Go on a walk. Forest is my natural habitat.
Carmina: Depends. I like to listen or play some music, or just walk in the garden and do nothing.

What's something that you like?

Marie: My job. No, really.
Ann: Painting.
Nadia: I love board games.
Miranda: Horses. I often help in Sylia's stables.
Eva: "Like"?
Taro: Um... Tricky question, ya know? There's a lot of things I like...
Carmina: When noone wants anything from me. And music.

Tagging, tagging...

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1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favourite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you play, you MUST post this on yours.
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Well, last year I stopped updating my list in February... Maybe this year I'll remember about it XD

1. "Przedwiośnie" ("Approach of Spring") Stefan Żeromski - school lecture. Nothing special. I don't think it should be a school lecture.
2. "Granica" ("The Frontier") Zofia Nałkowska - Another school lecture. Better than "Przedwiośnie" but rather depressing. Not "my type".
3. "Ferdydurke" Witold Gombrowicz - And another school lecture! (it's getting boring, isn't it? Get used to it, I have to read some more). Interesting. Rather hard, but interesting.
4. "Pożegnanie z Marią" ("Farewell to Maria", English title "This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen") Tadeusz Borowski. - I count it as one book, though it's a collection of short stories. I have to admit it - I haven't read them all, only those I need for school, and I'm not sure if I ever would. It doesn't mean, that the book was bad - becaue it wasn't. It's simply my imagination. Well, reading about german death camps isn't the most joyful thing on the Earth. I think, that was one of better book I've read recently. I'm simply too weak for it (and I don't have enough time to read something, I don't need for school ==')c
5. "Inny świat" ("A world apart") Gustaw Herling Grudziński. School lecture. Good one. Really. Quite depressing of course, but hey, it's war literature, what did you expect? Anyway - really good.
6. "Kartoteka" ("A card index") Tadeusz Różewicz - hard, interesting and has got a point. A school lecture, of course.
7. "Amerykańscy bogowie" ("American gods") Neil Gaiman. Not a school lecture!! Woot! Not bad, but I expected something a bit different. But the idea was great. Really.
8. "Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem" ("Shielding the flame") Hanna Krall. Extremally boring. School lecture, as expected.
9. "Tango" Sławomir Mrożek. A good one, but not in "I'll read it once again" way.
10. "Dżuma" ("The plague") Albert Camus. Really, really, really good one. There are some very interesting thoughts. And, what is important, those are thoughts, I can agree with. It didn't happen very often lastly. A school lecture, if you had any doubts.
11. "Początek" ("The beginning") Andrzej Szczypiorski. I have to remember, that I shouldn't check the lifestory of any writer I like. Yeah, the book is good. It's one of sparse books I've read recently which has GOOD characters. Good as in "not evil". It's really refreshing after all those books full of badguys, dumbasses and so on. After I finished reading I was quite happy, even if it wasn't the happiest story I've read in my life (in fact, it wasn't "happy" at all, it's about life of civilians during war and after it). I liked Irma Seidenmann. In some weird way she resembled one of my own characters. So, what's wrong? The author. He was an agent in communistic Poland. Now I'm not sure, what to think about it. The book was really good, but... ==' Ah, a school lecture, of course.
Not counting - failed to read "Pamiętnik z powstania warszawskiego"  ("A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising") Miron Białoszewski. How long can you speak about the same things? About 300 pages, If I recall correctly. Extremally boring. School lectures.
12. "Rio Anaconda" Wojciech Cejrowski. END OF SCHOOL LECTURES! Woot! Woot! About book - I really don't like the author. BUT only when I see him in TV. As a writer, he's really good. Interesting, sometimes funny, well written.
13. "Złota dziesiątka - Dramaty Szekspira"("Top Ten Shakespeare Stories") Terry Deary - funny. As most of books from "Top Ten" series.
14. "Złota dziesiątka - Opowieści bibilijne" ("Top Ten Bible Stories") Michael Coleman. See above.
15. "Harry Potter i Insygnia Śmierci" ("Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows") J. K. Rowling - What can I say... Weird. Much different than the previous books. With tons of plotholes and stupid mistakes. And I didn't like (insert a huge spoiler here) at all. Not at all.
16. "Artemis Fowl: Zaginiona kolonia" ("Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony") - Kill Minerva. Kiiiiill her! She's the most stupid genious I've EVER seen. The rest is ok. Holly and Artemis are doing good job as always.
Not counting - "Algorytmy od podstaw" ("Beginning algorythms") Simon Harris and James Ross. I read it only to know the meaning of the words. I skipped the "programist only" part. Need it to work, so I can understand what my coworkers say to me. (No, I'm not a programist and never will be, but I'm going to work with them)
17. "Z pokorą i uniżeniem" ("Fear and trembling") Amelie Nothomb - a bit weird, but has got a point. Interesting view on japanese corporations.
18. "Kartoteka Artemisa Fowla" ("The Artemis Fowl Files") Eoin Colfer - The story about Holly was good. Really good. And the ending was very typical for Holly XD I like her. The second story wasn't that good, but still not bad.
19. "Toksyczni ludzie" ("Toxic people") Lillian Glass - Really good one! Really really good. If only being a therapist wasn't such a bad-paid job in Poland...
20. "Bogaty ojciec, biedny ojciec" ("Rich dad, poor dad") Robert T. Kiyosaki - inspiring. Very inspiring.
21. "Silmarillion" John R. R. Tolkien - again. I've read it five times? Six? And you can bet, I'll read it again some day.
22. "Hyperion" Dan Simmons - My. Good. God. The best book of the year so far.
23. "Upadek Hyperiona" (The Fall of Hyperion) Dan Simmons - Continuation of "Hyperion". Still awesome.
24. "Hannibal - po drugiej stronie maski" (Hannibal Raising) Thomas Harris - I expected something better.
25. "Legenda pięciu kręgów" (Legend of the Five Rings - roleplaying in Emerald Empire) - I like RPG handbooks!
26. "Droga Żurawia" (The way of the Crane) - aaah, Kakita artists... I don't really like cranes, but I think they are the most "rokuganis" in the whole Rokugan
27. "Droga Jednorożca" (The way of the Unicorn) - Liked it. Unicorns are fine. Or they could be with a bit of changes...
28. "Droga Kraba" (The way of the Crab) - Liked it! That's one of the reasons I like L5R - every clan is unique and DOES make sense. And even "those brutes from Kaiu Wall" have something interesting in them.
29. "Droga Smoka" (The way of the Dragon) - the worst of the "ways" for now. Mysterious dragons, crazy ise zumi, niten, blah blah blah. Togashi's path isn't my path, that's sure. The only thing I liked about dragons were Kitsukis.
30. "Droga Skorpiona" (The way of the Scorpion) - hey! Finally someone is thinking here! I think Scorpions may be nearer the ideal of a Rokugani than other clans may think. For sure they know, what loyalty means. And that loyalty isn't a free thing...
31. "Delicje ciotki Dee" Teresa Hołówka - during the communistic times in Poland a woman travels to USA and stays there for some time. Lots of very accurate thoughts about american society. Very, very good one.
32. "Spisek w królestwie czarów" (The Merlin Conspiracy) Diana Wynne Jones - Like the author, but she had better books. Anyway, the world setting is amazing.

Reading at the moment: The way of the Phoenix, some others
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Co na to Robin by MayaMinamoto, journal

Taggity tag by MayaMinamoto, journal

Quizzies come back! by MayaMinamoto, journal

Another funny thing by MayaMinamoto, journal

Book list for year 2008 by MayaMinamoto, journal